Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Message from the Tooth Fairy

Dear Mary and Jonathan,
I know you've been busy, especially with all five children starting Little League. I'm also aware that your children are losing their baby teeth both for normal reasons and also at the dentist's office due to tooth decay. But you really need to make things a little easier for me. Here's how:

1. Give me more notice of when I should visit your home.
When Luda lost a tooth last Thursday, you could have told me Thursday night that it was time for a visit. But you waited until 6:00 am on Friday morning, when you woke up from a bad dream and then suddenly remembered I should be coming.

2. Do something about the creaky stairs.
Most of the time I fly to the children's rooms. But last Friday, I decided to walk, and your stairs made so much noise I was sure the children would wake up.

3. Have the girls clean their room.
As I was putting the dollar in the tooth container, I accidentally dropped the tooth on the floor. In the dark, and with so many toys on the floor, it was impossible to find it. Jonathan, thank you for retrieving the tooth the next day before the girls found it!

Despite these problems, I'm very glad to visit your home. Thanks for letting me know how excited the children get when they're showing you their dollars the next morning.

The Tooth Fairy


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