Friday, November 16, 2007


November and December have always been very busy months for Jonathan and me. Besides personal holiday preparation, he is concluding the fall semester at Concordia, and I am planning and implementing multiple festival services at church. Other busy times of the year alternate between us (e.g., Holy Week and Easter first for me, and the end of the spring semester for him), but right now neither of us has much margin to help the other. And the ordinary daily work load grinds on--two loads of laundry, three loads of dishes, homework, driving kids to and fro, yardwork, cleaning, etc., etc.

I often dream at night, which I've heard helps one work out problems subconsciously. Jonathan rarely dreams, which I envy sometimes because it means he can sleep very soundly. But he had a vivid dream the other night. My normally systematic husband loaded the dishwasher by tossing the dishes into it, with no rhyme or reason to their placement.

That's a sure sign--he is definitely stressed out!

(And I took the time to write this today, despite my schedule, and now I feel a little better. Thanks for listening.)


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