Friday, October 23, 2009

Challenges and Joys

It's a good thing that the bad comes with the good. Every day in the last week, Kola is throwing tantrums with full-throttled screaming. Last Wednesday, Jonathan was treated to three of these fits in the short span of four hours. Jonathan and I are trying to figure out what has changed, since Kola can't tell us what's wrong. My best guess is that the one-year anniversary is making him feel the permanency of leaving Ukraine. Alternatively, he could be getting sick like so many of his classmates. The real reason is likely something else altogether.

Every weekday morning, I drive the two younger boys to Kola's school, where David catches his bus. Kola and I then spend about fifteen minutes parked in our car, where he does last-minute homework or listens to music while I write out his picture calendar for the day. He is quite curious, and if I don't stop him, his little fingers will explore every nook and cranny of the car. A few days ago, he reached for the windshield wiper knob, asking me, "Mom, how do you turn on the windmills?"


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