Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Positive Reinforcement?

I've been trying for some time to get David and Kola to bring home all the materials and books they need for their homework. They invariably forget something, or don't write the complete homework list in their assignment notebook. Often it's a lack of focus, but sometimes the omissions are because they don't want to do the work.

Trying to use positive reinforcement rather than strong-arm discipline, I tried offering the boys a piece of candy if everything was in order after school. On the first day of possible candy, Kola didn't achieve the goal and groused for 30 minutes about not getting his treat. The next day, he tried harder but still failed to earn the candy. That turned into a full rage for an hour. It was so bad that Jonathan and I decided the candy thing wasn't working.

The third day, I reminded him that we weren't doing candy anymore. Of course, that's the day that he had every single book he needed for homework! And without candy, he had another rage.

I keep praying for patience.


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