Thursday, September 22, 2011

Four-Letter Words

One of our kids has a big project due on Friday. To make it more manageable, the teacher provided topics and gave the kids free reign in presentation. Power point, speech, display board, acted drama--anything is possible. All the topics relate to the Greek and Roman empires, as a review of material covered last school year.

The topic that our child received is "VIDO." An internet search yielded the information that Vido is a very small island near the Greek city of Corfu. The whole library trip and attendant internet research led to quite a disagreement. Too much noise in the Concordia library, too many protestations, pleading to do Facebook instead, etc. Mom was not pleased.

Jonathan tackled the problem today. He ascertained that the spelling of this four-letter word was not "Vido" but "Ovid." Now THAT makes a difference!


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