Thursday, January 05, 2012

Vocal Vomit

Peter was having a hard morning. I don't remember why, but a lack of good sleep probably contributed. As we rode to school, he sat in his normal position behind the driver and rhythmically slammed the seat in front of him with his foot.

"Peter, please stop kicking my chair."

He continued, muttering some very disrespectful comments. I contemplated my alternatives, since my usual method of stopping the car would make everyone late for school.

"Peter, second time, please stop kicking my chair."

To my relief, he stopped the motion. But the disrespect continued pouring from his mouth. Jonathan and I call it "vocal vomit." I was reminded how we emphasized physical behavior with the older five children and ignored their speech for a long time. Since our household language in their first months was Ukrainian, I was spared a lot of comments since I couldn't understand them.

But for several years it was all I could handle to discipline for behavior. Now, I find verbal disrespect to be a big problem that's harder to tackle because it has become engrained. But many a wise parent has reminded me to pick one's battles and not attempt everything all at once.


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