Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bible Knowledge

My father's hospice aide is named Mary, like me. When I am visiting my father, it sometimes gets confusing as to which "Mary" he means. One solution we've tried is the "hospice Mary" and "daughter Mary." Another is the "Virginia Mary" and the "Chicago Mary."

Over the holidays, I was helping care for Dad while my mother took a much-needed respite trip. Dad himself came up with a better way of solving the Mary/Mary name problem. He called the hospice aide "Mary" and dubbed me "Martha." Since he actually spends more time with the hospice aide, it made sense that he would change my name, not hers. He also knows that I am a practical person, as was the Martha in the Gospel accounts.

Yesterday when I telephoned my mother, she was quite sad because Dad had not recognized her. Instead of using her name, he had called her "Martha." I was able to allay her disappointment by telling her the Mary/Martha story from my recent trip to their home. Mom and I decided that Dad calls us both Martha since we are female relatives staying in the home, rather than aides who come and go.

When I said goodbye to my mother, I asked her to tell Dad hello from the "Chicago Martha." My Mom really laughed at that one!


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