Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Mom's Birthday

I haven't posted for a week because I traveled to Virginia to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday.  See below for a photo of her in the worship service at Luther Place Memorial, her home congregation.

Our family had ordered altar flowers in honor of my mother.  The pastor took this information and decided to base the children's sermon on my mother's hands, which serve to care for my father and others.  After the children's sermon, the pianist struck up "Happy Birthday," and my Mom got a standing ovation.  At the conclusion of the worship service, the entire congregation (as requested by the pastor) shook those care-giving hands in congratulation.

The home health care aide could not work on Sunday morning, due to illness, so I stayed home with my father that morning to allow Mom to attend church.  It's a joy to have this photo of the wonderful way my mother's church feted her on her big day.  My sister Anne is seated with Mom, and my brother Mark is standing to Anne's left.


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