Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Paul at Boot Camp

Hi everyone!
We received our first two letters this past weekend--a form letter from Paul's commanding officer and a personal letter from Paul.  Here is his address, if you'd like to write to him:

StahlkePaul, RN 421
Fox Co, 1-19th IN
9075 Holcomb Drive
Fort Benning, GA 31905

RN=Roster Number

Paul's commanding officer also asked us to write the roster number on the back of the envelope and highlight it with Paul's platoon color, which is GREEN.  This helps them sort the mail faster.

They also made clear that packages are NOT allowed--only letters.  [So don't send him any chocolate chip cookies!  Especially in Georgia in the summer!]

There is also a Facebook page for Paul's company, which gives some of their activities:
Use Facebook's "Search Groups" function to search for "Fox Company 1-19 CLASS 5039"  Once you are a group member, you can view photos and descriptions of training and events.  The commander made clear that this Facebook page is only for information, not for voicing personal issues or concerns.

Paul has mentioned in a voice mail to me that he would really enjoy mail, so if you can, please consider dropping him a line or two.



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