Thursday, May 17, 2007

Comfort Food

This morning, Jonathan and I met for our weekly scheduling meeting. He likes these meetings, since we finally have time together to talk through issues. I, on the other hand, always leave depressed because I'm reminded of the multitude of things that are on our plate. The first six months after the kids came, I'd be in tears by the end of the session. Now, it's been better but still hard.

After our meeting, Jonathan left for a doctor's appointment, and I drove to work at church. On the way, I stopped at a local White Hen, which is a convenience store with pretty good coffee. To make myself feel better, I picked up a sweet roll with icing, and a decaf with a little vanilla bean coffee for flavor. A few minutes after arriving at church, Jonathan telephoned me to say he had seen the doctor, but had then locked his keys in the car. Could I come let him into the car? Luckily, the doctor's office is pretty close to church.

As I drove, he telephoned again to say that it was cold, so he'd wait in the White Hen across the street from the doctor's office. When I arrived, he walked out carrying a sweet roll with icing and a cup of coffee. I had to know--what kind of coffee had he bought?

Decaf and vanilla bean!


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