Friday, September 07, 2007

Dressing Up

We've heard through adoption circles that life starts to normalize at the one-year mark. For us, the feeling is coming at the two-year mark, but whenever it arrives, I'm glad for it.

Luckily, during the last two years, people have cut us a lot of slack. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm more impatient than other people are critical. Clothes for myself are a good example. Several times I've been walking to the car early on a Sunday morning and discovered in the daylight that I'm accidently wearing black rather than blue hose, even though I'm wearing a completely navy outfit. In the past I would have gone back and changed, but that doesn't happen now! And those navy dress shoes that are getting scuffed up? Since the kids came, I rationalize that most people at church won't see them since I wear organ shoes most of the morning. Lastly, no matter what outfit I'm wearing, the same brown leather purse is now a match. Changing purses to coordinate with my clothes' style and color? That's a luxury of time that I don't allow myself.

Last night, we held the first rehearsals at church for the adult ensembles (bells and choir). I really enjoyed meeting the groups again and letting them know what is planned for the coming year. The beginning to the school year is so manageable this time. Two years ago we were just arriving from Ukraine and I was starting a new church job. One year ago we were knee-deep in paperwork for Mikola's dossier. This year feels, well, normal. A symbol of that normalcy is quite a small, but significant, thing: before rehearsal, I took time to polish those navy shoes!


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