Postscript: Memory Lane
My "Memory Lane" post was written way back on September 26, 2007 and described how ordinary life events could trigger a flood of memories in the children. Since 2007, the amount of Ukrainian we hear at home has dwindled to almost nothing. And along with everyone else, I'm now using their English names almost exclusively.But our impending trip to Ukraine has brought back memories, if not the language. Almost every day in the last week, the children have recalled their life in the village or the orphanage. Some things they don't miss at all, but other parts of their past life, especially their relationships with certain relatives, create a deep sense of longing for them. I'm not able to understand their feelings, but I do my best to listen and validate what they tell me.
Our trip to Ukraine for Mikola is more than a physical one. The emotional journey for all of us is unknown territory, with both joy and grief intermingled.
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