Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Command

I found another website with information about childen rocking:

This book suggests that the parent rock with the child as a means of entering their world of solitary, self-soothing behavior. The theory is that this interaction will help the rocking to cease sooner. Two nights ago, I tried this with Kola. After draping my arm over him, I starting rocking with him in rhythm. He stopped immediately, and I could almost hear the wheels whirring in his head as he tried to figure out what was happening.

Kola: "Mama, do you like to rock?"
Mama: "Yes, Kola."
Kola: "Why?"
Mama: "Why not?
Kola: "I don't know."

After a long silence, he said to me, "Mama, GO!"

He didn't mean that I should leave him alone. Instead, he wanted me to rock while he laid still! He contentedly sucked his thumb and I rocked, with my arm transferring the motion to his small body. What a positive step that he wanted me to rock him. I love those words: "Mama, GO!"


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