Pickle Sandwiches
Many people have asked how Jonathan and I get six kids ready for school. In the morning, when our minds are not yet awake, the best solution is ROUTINE. Of course, coffee for me and a shower for him also helps. We also split the tasks: Jonathan wakes the children, supervises their dressing, and sets the table, while I make lunches and prepare the cooked portion of breakfast.I always assemble the lunches in the same order, which keeps the job moving since I don't have to think it through every time. (The first week in fall 2005 felt like moving in slow motion!) One of the last steps is to assemble sandwiches and package them.
Last Thursday, the pickle jar sat very close to the edge of the counter. Adam suggested I move it, since a gallon-size container full of dill pickle juice could make quite a mess. In the ensuing conversation, my routine was interrupted, but I got back on track and finished the sandwiches . . .
At lunch, it was immediately evident that my sandwich contained only condiments and pickles. No cold cuts! Boy, would I hear about this one!
To my dismay, not one child said a word about it the rest of the day! The lack of meat hadn't made much of an impression on them.
Of course, Jonathan noticed.
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