Monday, April 27, 2009


Last Friday night, David and I camped out together next to a toy factory. His Cub Scout troop participated in an educational program at the Museum of Science and Industry where hundreds of children ages 7 through 12 spend the night at the museum.

We arrived after the museum closed (about 7:30 pm) and dropped off our luggage and sleeping bags near the toy factory (a robotics facility for making tops). David collected directions for the scavenger hunt, and off we went touring submarines, making slime, and observing model trains. It was a great opportunity for some one-on-one time together.

At 11:00 pm, the exhibits closed and we settled down for the night. The museum never gets very dark, due to their security lighting, but they gave out sleep masks and enforced quiet time. We had been warned that our wake-up call would be the foghorn from the coal mine exhibit, but I opened my eyes to the much more pleasant voice of David's scout master. It was early, however (6:00 am), and we headed to the museum cafe for a continental breakfast to fortify us for the rest of our day--a few hours of Ukrainian school and then opening day for Little League.


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Emma B said...

I did something exactly like this for my sister's girl scout troup- except we were in the marine exhibits. I slept under a whale! It was suspended from the ceiling, of course. It was really cool. I'm glad David enjoyed it.


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