Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great Title

My mother recently sent me a book review from the Washington Post. An author and journalist (Melissa Fay Greene) became the adoptive mom to five children, in addition to her four older biological kids. Some of her writing rang true for me:

"Sometimes, Greene admits, she found herself worn out by the 'hard psychological and family-reconstruction work . . . and wondering, Am I still a mother, or have I become a social worker?"

Her writing sounds like my blog:

"Mostly, this book is a string of carefully crafted anecdotes, threaded with hard-won insights, though perhaps unintentional, for parents of all sorts and sizes of families. 'Everyone wants a happy family,' Greene muses, 'but some parents fear they don't have the knack for it. We tilt anxiously above our children, examining them from every angle, consulting experts and reading how-to books . . . . We're afraid to steer by the light of what makes us feel good."

Another insight:
"A steady stream of laughter cuts through [their life]. Humor is part of what makes this family--and this book--work. When the author was searching for titles, she was showered with suggestions from her children, including 'Why Our Babysitters are Entitled to Peace Corps Credit' and 'No, We're Not a Youth Group, Darn It."

The actual title of the book:
No Biking in the House Without a Helmet


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