Thursday, March 06, 2014


Halle, eastern Germany
December 1993

"Make sure to open the window while the stove is warming up." We groaned, remembering our landlady's advice.

Jonathan and I were already cold, since the coal stove had been out for hours, meaning the indoor temperature was in the 40s. Then we opened wide the windows to our apartment so the sub-freezing air could stream in. Coal stoves had a risk of carbon monoxide emissions, and everyone made sure to have plenty of fresh air as a safety measure. Besides, the Germans have an affinity for "frische Luft," practically as a health measure.

We shivered in every coat we owned for the thirty minutes it took to get the stove going.

March 2014

The temperature this morning was in the 20s, with a forecast slightly above freezing. It felt so mild that I opened the windows in the car. I must be part-German now, enjoying the fresh air so much!


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