Paul Letter 3 June 15
Dear Dad,Thanks for the letters you send me they help me more than you know . . . .
I really wish I didn't have to miss so much of everything that's happening with the family. It really bugged me to miss Rachels graduation. I'm going to miss her birthday too which I'm pretty down about it too. I don't have that much left here so I will try and do as much as I can with everyone when I get back . . . .
I've been out of Red Phase for almost a week. Now I'm in White Phase. Also to correct everything I will go to airborne stuff after basic when I get to my unit because that's not in my contract. Here I'm just learning to shoot as best as I can and blow stuff up. We blew up claymores last week they are really loud, you can look them up on YouTube. Then we'll be doing grenades, which we've started working on already. You can tell Mom that when she looks on Facebook and tries to find me if we're all wearing our helmets, mine will have a green 421 on front and back, or look for last name on the ACU (uniform/camos) that's about all we've done but I will keep you posted on what I do.
- love Paul
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