Friday, November 20, 2015

Things Swedish II

Drinking a lot of coffee
It's no secret that Swedes are some of the world's biggest coffee drinkers, with on average three cups consumed per person every day. But there are also very intricate rules as to where and when you drink it. I could write a dissertation about this, but here are the basics: I drink a cup in the morning to wake up; if everyone else around the table has a cup, I will have one too for social reasons (this is egalitarian Sweden, after all); I always accept coffee when it is offered, because it is rude not to; and I even have a cup just before I go to bed to relax. Yes, of course I am still able to sleep, why would I not be?
source: Loefgren, Emma. "My Swedish habits that foreigners just don't get." Published: 22 Apr 2015,


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