Thursday, July 28, 2016


The items in this photo look quite normal.  But there's a story behind them . . .

Ever since Kentucky joined our household six years ago, he has been very frightened of his harness.  When we bring it to leash him up, he runs away, trembles, or otherwise shows his unwillingness.  While he's wearing it, he'll often walk very stiffly, as if frozen in place.  He exhibits the same behaviors when the kids dress him up.  All of this is at odds with his normal personality, which is quite sunny and (as is usual for dachsunds) courageous in the face of danger.

I've learned in counseling that unusual behaviors (like Kentucky's reaction to his harness) often originate from trauma earlier in life.  So it was interesting to see Kentucky try to hide his harness from us, not once but twice in the last few days.  His leash and harness had been placed on the floor together, and Kentucky very diligently rooted the leash up over the harness to cover it.  He's done the same motions when he buries something he doesn't want us to see.

Of course, Kentucky doesn't realize that the harness is still quite visible.  But he's doing the best he can under the circumstances.


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