Oh, My Aching Back
Due to their unnaturally long bodies, dachsunds are prone to back trouble. It's one part of human's development of dog breeds with which I disagree. But no one asked me. Our dachsund Kentucky has displayed back issues for several years, but as long as we keep him from being too rambuctious, he usually avoids the worst of his symptoms.
Yesterday, however, something happened that no one in our household noticed. But the effects were clear--quietly whining on the couch, and then screaming when David picked him up. Ever since, we've been lifting him up and down steps, onto furniture, and even made him a bed on the floor. Painkillers also help. This morning, I knew he was still feeling bad when he crawled under our bedcovers and squeezed himself between the two calves of my legs. A little extra TLC helps.
I can sympathize since my back also gives me trouble. Back pain can stop you in your tracks. But it's been over a year now since my last attack of sciatica, which previously returned every six months for several years. The credit for this improvement goes to the wonderful chiropractor that has given me excellent care. By avoiding sciatica for twelve months, my nerve has healed about 12 inches. That's been enough to get some feeling back in my foot, cast off my brace, and start playing the organ pedalboard better again.
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