Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Visit to Lilacia Park

There is a time for ev'rything,
A time for all that life may bring:
A time to plant, a time to reap,
A time to laugh, a time to weep,
A time to heal, a time to slay,
A time to build where rubble lay,
A time to die, a time to mourn,
A time for joy and to be born.

A time to hold, then be alone,
A time to gather scattered stone,
A time to break, a time to mend,
A time to search and then to end,
A time to keep, then throw away,
A time to speak, then nothing say,
A time for war till hatreds cease,
A time for love, a time for peace.

Eternal Lord, your wisdom sees
And fathoms all life's tragedies;
You know our grief, you hear our sighs--
In mercy, dry our tear-stained eyes.
From evil times, you bring great good;
Beneath the cross, we've safely stood.
Though dimly now life's path we trace,
One day we shall see face to face.

- Lutheran Service Book, Hymn 762, sts. 1-3
- based on Eccl. 3:1-8


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