Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Living in Style

I grew up in Texas, where it stays hot from May to September. In Chicago, however, the weather may sizzle for a while, but then a storm blows through and drops the temperature to comfortable levels.

Once our heavy a/c units are installed in the windows for the summer, it's not possible to open the windows anymore. Therefore, Jonathan and I delay putting them in as long as possible, since we enjoy the fresh air (frische Luft, as our German friends would say).

Last week, however, we almost cried uncle. The house was unbearably hot, even with multiple fans blowing. Paul, however, was quite comfortable. His backyard playhouse, solidly built high on stilts and carefully sealed shut, was cool as a cucumber. He had furnished it with an a/c unit, connecting it to our house with a long extension cord. It's amazing what one can find in our neighborhood alleys!


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