Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Heart Procedure and a Band-aid

Two days ago, I underwent a catheter ablation.  Similar to using a catheter to place a stent, the cardiologist inserted three tubes into an opening in my femoral vein and threaded them up to my heart.  Instead of installing a stent, however, he "mapped" the electrical activity inside my heart, and located the node that was malfunctioning and causing occasional tachycardia (a too-rapid heart rate).  He then cauterized the abnormal tissue using microwaves, so that now the electrical signal works its way through my heart in a healthy manner.

The whole procedure took about two hours, and I was left with two small puncture wounds--one in my hand for the I.V. and the other in my leg for the catheters.  Both openings required only a band-aid!  Amazing.


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