Sunday, December 06, 2015

Math Facts

On Day 1, I asked Peter to pick some difficult math facts:
12x12 and 11x11
They were easy because he only had to remember two of them.

On Day 2, he chose two more hard ones:
12x7 and 9x8
Still manageable because it's easy to recall only four facts.

On Day 3, Peter continued finding difficult facts:
6x9 and 4x6
The task is now getting harder because he has six difficult math facts to remember.

Now on Day 4, the frustration is setting in:
4x9 and 3x9
Except for the facts from Day 1, he doesn't have them automatically memorized.
I almost lose him to a mini-tantrum.

For Day 5, to quell a rebellion, I ask him to pick the easiest math fact and a "medium-hard" one:
10x1 and 3x4
That helped.  We're now back on track.

Let's see what tomorrow will bring.


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