Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Cousins

April 6, 1995
From Dorothy Benson's journal:
“What a day it was yesterday—to get the news that we were going to have a grandson. It was just a joyous day—one to celebrate and cherish. [Sister] Kylie telling her aunts—hearing Anne scream. [Kylie] telling Anne and Mary the baby will be called ADAM. It was just a very special time. The happiness on [mother] Judy’s face, the beaming on [father] Mark’s face when he walked in the door. One of those few cherished times in life that is complete joy and can be shared and we are privileged to be able to share it. It was a very, very special time. I am glad that we could experience that.”

Only fifty-three days later, May 29, 1995
A baby boy was born in Ukraine, the second child in his family. Bogdan's blonde hair and blue eyes set him apart from his other relatives.

July 13, 1995
A baby boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was born in Colorado. His parents Mark and Judy named him Jacob. Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Mary rejoiced with them.

August 18, 2005
In Ukraine, Mary and Jonathan officially adopted Bogdan and four of his siblings. They named their second son Adam Bogdan and chose his Uncle Mark and Aunt Judy as his godparents because their son Jacob is almost the same age.

May 29, 2009
Grandma Benson's birthday card for Adam arrived. She sent a copy of the long-forgotten diary entry from April 6, 1995, in which cousin Kylie announced the arrival of Jacob AND Adam!


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