Monday, April 12, 2010

Step 4

Madeline Hunter continues:

"It helps students to . . . see examples of an acceptable finished product [model], or a process.

Models presented in multiple modalities [visual, verbal, etc.] are very helpful if they are simple. Get rid of any unnecessary or distracting information.

Choose your models carefully. If the child finds it too stimulating, they will revert to coping mechanisms, self-stimulation, and inappropriate behaviors.

PI children often have organic brain impairments, and visual and auditory processing problems, and are easily overstimulated and frustrated when they are flooded with sensory information."

A few of the above terms and concepts conjure images in my head:

rocking, thumb-sucking, head-banging, nail-biting

inappropriate behaviors
no description needed

unnecessary, distracting information
turn off the TV during homework time

Pastor's description of our kids
"adrenaline junkies"


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