Tuesday, May 19, 2015

8 May 15 Continued

Today we got our gas masks for chemical and nuclear warfare got a long class on it like 3 hours long then had chow then went to weapons functions and fundamentals class which was like another 4 hours but it was fun because we basically learned everything about our weapons.  The thing I hate about my weapon is that I gotta take it everywhere I go like even the bathroom.  Tomorrow we are going to get gassed.  We're going to the gas chamber and the way that works is you put on your mask walk into the room and take it off and the room is pumping out tear gas smoke which is pepper spray and we'll be in there for like 5 minutes, gotta say the solder's creed, 3 general orders, the army song, and our birthday and social security number and we will wait and do it all over again once we all recover back to normal.


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