Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Paul's Letter 6 June 15

Hey everyone,
Hope you guys are good, and hope you guys are enjoying your summer.  I’m stuck here but I am having fun now.  So I know you guys are running kind of a week or so behind on my letters, so I’ll tell you what I did last week and this week.  We were on the range shooting, then Thursday was practice qualification and there are 4 different categories to them, actually 5.  There’s the unqualified which is 0-22-fail, then 23-30 is marksman which is army standard for the Army Infantry, then 31-35 is sharpshooter which is good, then 36-40 is expert.  All the shooting qualifications are out of 40.  If you hit 40 out of 40 it’s deadeye which Fort Benning has produced 4 so far.  I shot a 37 last Friday for the qualification on Friday, and in the morning we did the 8 mile ruck march.  Passed my physical fitness test by a lot, got a 248 out of 300 so that’s pretty good.  I could possibly pick up a special forces contract, or an option 40 contract (Rangers) but not sure if I’ll take it.  I want to deploy sooner.  

to be continued


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