Wednesday, May 20, 2015

08 May 15 Still Continued

Sunday I will go to church.  I'm actually really missing Trinity and everyone else.  You guys should write me back when you can those letters really help me get through the rough parts of my days or when I have time to think because I'm on my second time reading that Bible you guys gave me.  That was the only thing I was allowed to keep.  My military ID looks like I just went through chemo, looks horrible but I have to have it on me at all times.  Just like my dogtags, they get pretty uncomfortable at night.  We also have a certain way of making beds.  I'm having fun otherwise but I hope everyone is doing good and hope you guys write me back . . . .

Anyways I gotta get back to doing my usual stuff after the work day in the little amount of time I have.  But I love you guys and can't wait to see you whenever that will be.
- love Paul


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