Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Faithful God

In God, my faithful God, I trust when dark my road;
Great woes may overtake me, yet He will not forsake me.
My troubles He can alter; His hand lets nothing falter.

My sins fill me with care, yet I will not despair.
I build on Christ, who loves me; from this rock nothing moves me.
To Him I will surrender, to Him my soul's defender.

O Jesus Christ, my Lord, so meek in deed and word,
You suffered death to save us because Your love would have us
Be heirs of heav'nly gladness when ends this life of sadness.

"So be it," then, I say with all my heart each day.
Dear Lord, we all adore You , we sing for joy before You.
Guide us while here we wander until we praise You yonder.

-- Lutheran Service Book, Hymn No. 745, selected stanzas


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