Wednesday, November 26, 2014


We have been too busy to grocery shop, so the pantry is getting low on a few key items. This morning, we tackled breakfast without bread or milk.

I found a packet of corn bread mix, and threw it in the oven in time to eat before school. Jonathan scrambled the eggs with water, instead of milk. And I found some hot chocolate mix to "whiten" our coffee. Luckily, the fruit portion of the pantry was still in decent shape!


We have been too busy to grocery shop, so the pantry is getting low on a few key items. This morning, we tackled breakfast without bread or milk.

I found a packet of corn bread mix, and threw it in the oven in time for breakfast before school. Jonathan scrambled the eggs with water, instead of milk. And I found some hot chocolate mix to "whiten" our coffee. Luckily, the fruit portion of the pantry was still in decent shape!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Jonathan did not take the family to church yesterday. The explanation is long and complicated. Both Paul and Adam made sure to get to the worship service on their own.

Friday, November 14, 2014

"She's Here!"

The youngest addition to our family--Lila Anne--was born last night around 2:00 am. I got the news with the text message that titles this post.

Kylie's labor was long but without complications. We rejoice with the arrival of this new child! Here's a photo with Kylie, Brian, and Lila:

Monday, November 03, 2014

I Hope They're Correct

There is nothing wrong with today's teenager that twenty years won't cure. ~Author Unknown

Saturday, November 01, 2014

A Challenging Halloween

Weather forecast: High of 37 degrees, 50-mph winds, snow flurries. More like Christmas than Halloween!

Peter adores cold weather, but when I told him the forecast for Halloween, he groaned. We braved the "flurries," which were actually a measurable snowfall and at one time even turned to hail.

But the bad weather made for tons of candy. Since so many children did not trick-or-treat, many people dumped handfuls (up to five!) into Peter's basket. It was worth the effort! And I figured the howling wind just made the mood a lot scarier. How appropriate.