Sunday, April 27, 2008

Easter Vigil!

It is exactly midnight, and the church bells in the tower start to peal. We join the congregation as they follow the priests, wearing highly ornate robes, and the laymen carrying banners. Down the center aisle towards the narthex and through the main doors into the chilly night air, we turn left and march around the entire church. Our handheld candles continue to blow out from the stiff breeze, but there's always someone who has been more careful to tend their flame from whom we can relight our candle. Three times we march around the church. We're not exactly sure of the meaning--three days that Christ lay in the tomb? Or Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? I'll find out eventually.

Back in the church, the service continues with two hours of chanting, wonderful choral singing, incense, Easter lilies, and lots of standing. Finally, the people line up before the priest. They give him a kiss like you see on TV from Russia--right cheek, left cheek, right cheek--with the following greeting in Ukrainian:
"Krih'-stohs Vohs'-kres! Voh-ee'-stih-noo Vohs'-krehs!" (how it sounds)
Christ is risen! He is truly risen!" (translation)

Jonathan stands in line and spots an acquaintance from Ukrainain school. "Is the service over now?" The man smiles. "No. We just completed Matins, which is the introduction to the main service. That is the Divine Service, which will begin soon." Jonathan and I decide that the children need to get home--several of them are asleep anyway!


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