Sunday, May 29, 2016


Adam turned 21 today. As we did for Paul's 21st birthday, Jonathan and I treated Adam and a friend to the Sunday brunch at the Signature Room of the John Hancock Building, Chicago's third highest skyscraper.  The restaurant gave Adam the beautiful dessert tray pictured above, and the image below shows you some of the views from the 95th floor, which is just below the white windows at the top of the building:

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Deja vu

Baby rabbits in our back yard!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Boost

Our church hosts a nursery school for about 75 kids aged two to four.  Every Tuesday and Wednesday, I preside over a chapel service for these children.  The topics come from our building's numerous stained glass windows, which are pictures rather than text for these non-reading worshipers.

About six weeks ago, during the nursery school's regular class time, one of the children approached his teacher.  With tears streaming down his face, she was concerned that he had skinned his knee or in some way hurt himself.

"What's wrong?" she asked.
"I want to see Miss Mary!"  he sobbed.

Looks like someone noticed my three-week absence!  I am honored, and very glad that this child gets so much out of worship.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mothers Day Greetings

Paul texted me from California, where he works with a group training other soldiers.  FYI, all of the participants wear computerized vests that record whether they have been hit, injured, or killed by other shooters.

Hey mom happy mothers day sorry I cant call just got a short break between firefights but hope you have a good day today

Thanks, Paul. I appreciate your message.  We went to the lake off Mannheim Road today. Very nice.  Firefights? Does that mean shooting or forest fires?

That’s good glad you had a good day.  Shooting im in California again. So I just got out of a firefight and me and like 4 other guys are still alive out of the whole company and our 1SG is still alive so we are doing this with 4 people haha

Sounds like you all are doing a GREAT JOB.  Congrats!

Not really I wanna be dead its hot in this desert and theres 4 of us I wanna be done and the rest of the company got killed by helicopters

Still, your superiors will be impressed that you are doing so well.  Hang in there!

I will